What Surprises Are In Store When Pursuing A Nursing Degree?

Nursing Degree

Nursing remains one of the most popular roles within healthcare and one that will always be in demand. It is believed that the USA is looking at a potential shortage of qualified nurses in the future, which means people with the right credentials in this field are in high demand.

If you enjoy making a difference in society and the idea of moving into a thriving industry, nursing could be for you. It is essential to gain the right qualifications first though and a nursing degree is the starting point for most people. While you might think you know what this kind of course entails, it can often deliver a few surprises along the way.

But what might be a surprise when completing a nursing degree?

Being able to study online

One part of earning a nursing degree that might surprise some is that you can now complete a lot of your studying online. Modern education has moved on greatly in recent years and started to include tech in learning more frequently.

This has led to online learning becoming a popular choice for many students in nursing and a feasible way to get the qualifications required to work in this field. Although some online courses in nursing may require you to complete practical placement work, the majority of learning can be done from the comfort of your own home and placements can often be completed nearby.

The highly regarded online nursing school in Indiana is a great example of the sheer range of programs being offered by universities nowadays. Remote learning courses allow the student to manage where and when they study while always ensuring that top-class tuition is readily available without needing to leave home.

Chance to build a strong professional network

Knowing what to expect when working as a nurse is important as it means you enter the profession fully aware of what it entails. By the same token, it is key to know what to expect during the process of earning a nursing degree. While some of this might be obvious, other elements might be more surprising.

Many people naturally focus on the academic/practical side of completing a degree in nursing and forget that you also have the chance to interact with other students in your course. Even if the program you complete is an accelerated one over a shorter period, you will still get the chance to meet new people and develop strong bonds with them. This enables you to build or extend your professional network for the future.

Assignments and exams to tackle

Another element in most nursing degrees that some find surprising is the amount of academic coursework or exams. Most would-be nurses assume that it will be all practical work, clinical placements, and practical assessments. However, this is not all there is to expect from most nursing degrees.

Although exact details vary between courses, you should expect to be required to write and research at least a few assignments. It is also key to check whether the nursing degree you plan to undertake includes any formal written exams or special in-depth projects. Not everyone likes this kind of academic work – if this applies to you, it is best to find a nursing degree that does not focus on formal exams or written work.

Variety of subjects to cover

One thing which can surprise some students is the sheer variety of subjects many nursing degrees cover. This is especially true for entry-level nursing degrees, which must teach those looking to enter the profession a lot of important material during the course.

From maternity to pharmacology, pathophysiology, psych nursing, and more, there really is a lot of information to take in. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing though. The subjects you cover while studying for a nursing degree are very interesting, especially for people looking to pursue this line of work. Learning all the key things nurses need to know also means you emerge fully prepared to work in the sector. It can just be a bit of a shock for some student nurses at first!

Studying a nursing degree can deliver some surprises

There is no doubt that moving into nursing makes sense if you love helping people, want to work in a thriving industry, and want access to a wide variety of job opportunities.

To work as a nurse though, you need to complete the relevant training first. This usually involves studying for a degree in nursing. While you might think you know exactly what this involves, the above points may surprise you a little. For this reason, it makes sense to fully research any nursing degree before you enroll.